Dealing with Stress and Anxiety.
Friday, October 16, 2015I'm the worst ever for missing Tuesday's post, I'm sorry to those who actually pay attention to this little blog of mine, writer's blog is the worst. Anyways though! Let's get on with today's topic, shall we?
Anxiety and stress are two things in which I deal with on a very serious level, both can become very crippling to the mental and emotional state of a person. I always struggled with knowing how to deal with either, while anxiety I'm still learning how to cope with, I've found a way to ease my stress in a large way. How have I been able to cope? Well, I will tell you.
I cope with stress by writing, its one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place. Stress is very difficult to deal with, there was a time where I didn't have such a healthy solution, but eventually I began to write poetry and after that I found my place in this mixed up world. I write way better than I speak, as far as my feelings and thoughts go, writing everything down comes so easy to me oppose to speaking, where things began to get all fumbled. That's just how I deal with certain issues, maybe writing isn't for you, and if not, I have a few other suggestions.
If you suffer with panic attacks:
I suffer with uncontrolled panic attacks, and they strike at literally any time they feel like it. These suggestions may sound cliche or cheesy, but I promise they work -
• Breathe in 1,2,3 and breathe out 3,2,1 and as you breathe say the numbers to yourself.
- I didn't believe this worked, but once the attack was so bad I was willing to try anything and I did, within a few seconds I could catch my breath again.
• Find a focus object (i.e., a tree, a flower, a teddy bear).
- Find something to stare at and think about what you're looking at. If you have a stuffed teddy bear, think about it's eyes, the color of its nose, if it has clothing think about the colors, give it a name if you haven't or look around your room and describe the things you see.
• Relax as much as possible.
- Easier said than done, I know trust me, but I realized the more I thought about relaxing instead of just doing it, the worst the attack became. If you're among other people when the attack happens, excuse yourself as calmly as possible and find the nearest bathroom or quiet area. Don't think about what other may be thinking as to why you left, paranoia will only make matters worst.
Relieving stress:
This really entails anything that you personally find pleasurable, but if you can't think of anything, here's a few suggestions:
• Drink warm chamomile tea.
- Chamomile is an herb that relaxes the nerves, depending on your level of stress you may need more than one bag. I vary from 1 to 4 bags at a time.
• Read a fictional book.
- Preferably a dystopian sort of fiction. Why? Well, I like to read those sorts or watch those sorts of movies so I can role play in my imagination. Taking yourself out of your uncomfortable situation and putting yourself into one that's appealing to you, causes you to forget what you were stressed about. Not everyone is into this, so a good comedy will do just as fine.
• Confide in a trustworthy person.
- I'm not one to talk about my feelings, however whenever I do muster up some boldness to speak, I feel so much better after I talk to my best friend or boyfriend. It feels like a literal weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Talk to a best friend, significant other, a neighbor, someone you can trust and you'll definitely feel better. It may not cure all your troubles, but you'll feel better.
Personally, I deal with many things and it's unlike me to tell anyone when I'm facing a problem within myself and it's not often people ask me how I'm doing, which is probably because my answer is always 'I'm fine.' So, that being the case, I know others deal with things by keeping their issues to themselves and not dealing with it in a health manner, I figured I'd make this post for those who are looking for better solutions or a solution period. So, yeah there's that I hope this helped someone, anyone at all because that would mean a lot. Remember, always come to me if you feel like you want to talk about whatever, I'm always here!
This isn't goodbye, this is see you later, until next time!
Thanks Ella for these tips. I definitely try this. Now I am taking supplements for stress. These supplements are really good for stress relieving.