Let's Talk: Cheating
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
If you're like me, being in a relationship is no challenge for you. I personally love being committed to someone. On the other hand, if you're like a very close friend of mine (or most of them), that 'R Word' makes you twitch a tad bit. Which is fine, if it fits your personality then great, if you prefer your freedom and ability to explore all options, that's fine too. However, here's my issue.
What gets me is those who know being in a relationship sort of cramps their style, yet they go for it anyway. Not only do they go for it, but they go for those who are like myself, those that genuinely love relationships and will literally give someone their all.Yes, I'm sure we all want someone who's 'down for us', but do you really want to string someone along knowing that your head and heart aren't in same place as theirs? Like, is that genuinely fair? I'll answer it for you, NO.
I believe people don't understand the damage that can be done to the ones on the receiving end.
Let's say a person who twitches when the word commitment comes up ends up dating a hopeless romantic, let's say that hopeless romantic absolutely falls in love with said twitcher and said twitcher, despite having the hopeless romantic under the impression that they are both fully committed, is cheating. According to psychologists "cheating, is the same as a drug abuser who can no longer receive the drug they're abusing." I'm not drug abuser nor have I been however, I'm sure that's a whole lot of a struggle to deal with. The article goes on to say "When you've been cheated on, your brain can no longer maintain the neuronal network that is responsible for the feelings of love and trust." I'm not going to get all deep and doctor-y on you guys, but in a nutshell, when people say they've been damaged mentally from a previous partner cheating on them, that stuff is real.
What's really the point of cheating anyway? I've always been so confused as to peoples reasons for this. Maybe someone can explain it to me? That'd be great. Anyways, that's all I had to say about this, just been something on my mind.
What's your take on all this? Do you even believe it, or is it not that deep?
This isn't goodbye, this is see you later. Until next time!
Depending on sorry he or she seems to be and depending on the steps they take to win your trust back.