Is it private or a secret?
Thursday, December 22, 2016
If your partner doesn't post you on their social media and then tells you that it's because they don't 'want people in their business' - Do you believe their keeping your relationship private or keeping it a secret?

I mean, I'm not trying to change anyone's view of thinking but... If you have social media of any kind, you clearly don't care about your life being but so private. Most people post what they're proud of on social media. Their accomplishments, new jobs, their goals, new clothes, new cars, so why not post the person you're supposed to be proud to be with?
I guess you can already tell my position on this matter, I vote secret.
Guys are always posting photos of them and their friends, the latest sneakers they've gotten, whatever they're excited about. So, if you're not posting me, are you saying you aren't proud of me as well? Don't get me wrong, that does not validate you two being together or what you two may share together. I just feel as though, if you're posting everything else that is personal in your life, why not that as well?
Some people may think "Well, I wouldn't want to show someone off and then we end up breaking up." Okay, what if you get your car taken from you? Okay then. These are just my opinions though, so if you have a little arrangement or something with your little boo thing then that's completely your business. If it works for you, then great.
However, I feel that 8/10, there's something fishy going on there. But that's just meee guys! Honestly, social media just turned our worlds upside down.
What do you guys think, Is it Private or A Secret?