Throw in the Towel, or Go for Another Ride?
Friday, December 16, 2016
So, I have a serious question for you guys:
Say your spouse/significant other, however you refer to them, cheats on you, this is their first offense - Do you forgive and forget, or throw in the towel?
Now, I, in all honesty would more than likely give my partner a second chance just because I believe in second chances with all things. Trust me though, a second one is all they'd get, two strikes and you're out. Would I forget? More than likely not. There's now a breech in our trust system and I wouldn't be able to easily overlook that, especially being as though I'm not that trusting of a person as is.
Now, when I say forgive, I don't mean accepting them back but throwing up their mistake in their face every chance you get. I mean doing your best to put the past behind you and push forward with a clean slate. Easier said than done? Of course it is! But, would you be willing to do it? Would you actually be able to? I know that exact thing is an issue for me. When I'm hurt, I'm going to remind you for a while that I'm hurt and that it's your fault. I'm working on it. Don't get me wrong, when someone wrongs you and hurts you, you just better let them know! But to guilt someone after you've said you'll forgive them, is in fact a contradiction.
The very definition of Forgiveness is to Stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw or mistake. So, if you find yourself still talking about an error someone made, rather to them or anyone else, then you're not actually over it. Not to say that you have to be over it in five seconds, but holding on to stuff isn't healthy for any relationship or someone's being in general.
Would you even entertain the thought of a second chance?
Are there certain conditions as to whether you would or not?
I know there are definitely terms and conditions with me, it won't ever be an automatic second chance, even if it seems like it is, trust me when I say I thoroughly went through every detail with a fine tooth comb. But yeah, I know some people who are more of a one-and-done type of person, and some who believe in giving it another shot.
Which person are you, and why?
Let me knoowww! I really would love to hear your thoughts!
This isn't goodbye, it's see you later. Until next time! xoxo