October playlist: They've been on repeat
Friday, October 21, 2016
So, I love talking about music. I love discovering artists I've never heard of on music sites, so with that being said, I want to start sharing my favorite songs of the month with you guys and you share your faves with me, ok? Ok. Now, my taste is pretty diverse honestly, so don't be alarmed when you see a big contrast in genre.
So, let's get out the way because the trap princess in me is screaming:
Dave East - Deposits (East Mix)

First of all, I'm in love with this man. Ok? Ok. But in all seriousness, the flow of this song, the rough edges of it, all of it. I listen to this song probably way too many times in a day.
Labrinth - Jealous

So I use to see this song every where, I just never cared to listen to him or it. Such a dumb decision, I absolutely LOVE this song. It's so (hashtag) relate-able! The fact that the beat and music is so simplistic and allows you to actually listen to the lyrics is so beautiful. Love this song. (PS do not listen to this if you just saw your ex with someone else because you will CRY).
Russ - Pull the Trigger

It's like, reggae meets hip hop in the DOPEST WAY. Just listen to it. He's a new fave of mine
Calum Scott - Dancing On My Own (slowed down version)
I discovered him a while ago on Britain's Got Talent, loved him and never checked for him again. So, during my new music search on Youtube I came across this and fell in love. I hope you fall in love too.
BISHOP - River

This is more on the EDM side I suppose? It came on my pandora and I almost immediately changed it because of this creepy behind cover but if you're into that genre or anything remotely close it, like House Music, you'll love this.
So yeah, I don't have a huge playlist for you guys this go round but definitely tell me some of your favorite artists, underground or mainstream and let me hear them!
This isn't goodbye, it's see you later. Until next time!