#Relatable: Mental Health in the AA Community
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
I figured I would begin to break up my posts in segments. There will be a music segment, an every day topic segment, and there will be my favorite segment: Hashtag (#) Relatable. In this segment, we will discuss a range of things, from serious matters to issues we may face everyday just as people.
This week, it will be on a bit of a serious note, because I personally feel it's something that should be addressed: Mental Health in the African American Community

As I was doing my research on this particular topic, I came across a few things I'd like to share. This is taken from SAMHSA.gov "Communities of color tend to experience greater burden of mental and substance use disorders often due to poorer access to care; inappropriate care; and higher social, environmental, and economic risk factors." The articles continues, " In 2014, 3.8% of African American adults ages 18 and older had a past-year mental illness and a substance use disorder, while the national average was 3.3%. The 2014 national average for any mental illness in the past year for adults was 18.1%, compared to 16.3% for African American adults."
Though the ratings are not significantly high or a national lead within this community, I believe they're high enough. From my personal opinion and experience, mental health and illnesses are expected to be spoken in hush tones among ourselves. This could be due to various reasons; a sense of pride, being stereotyped and things like this. Many people, not just African Americans, feel that they will be viewed and treated differently according to this 'title' they may have acquired. Sadly, that is the case in some instances. Because of this, many people know that they may be suffering from some sort of mental illness and refuse to seek help, and this is such a dangerous thing.
Without proper treatment, you can be putting yourself and possibly those around you in danger. You can intensify the issue you are suffering with and get further and further away from balancing your chemicals and becoming content. Or, maybe you know of someone, a child possibly who is suffering with this sort of problem and has not been able to get help. This could put a life at risk, neglecting an issue as serious as a mental disorder - rather it be something viewed as simple such as depression (which is far from a simple issue, btw) or something more serious such as in the lines of a personality disorder - can cause grave harm and damage, confusing, pain, discomfort and genuine unhappiness. It could lead to fatal measures.
My point for speaking of this: If you or someone you know is suffering with a mental illness of any sort and is not seeking help, please please please do (mental illness may also include ED's).
There is nothing wrong with seeking help, even if you just want to talk to someone or need assistance in finding where to go and how to go about getting said help and taking better care of yourself.
There is nothing wrong with seeking help, even if you just want to talk to someone or need assistance in finding where to go and how to go about getting said help and taking better care of yourself.
I tell you guys this all the time, if you ever want to speak to someone and don't know where to go please come to meet. You can contact me via my contact form or my social media, I always check all these things. I hope this article motivated someone to get up and do something. <3 font="">3>
This isn't goodbye, this is see you later. With much love, until next time!