A Message to Young Girls.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Seriously, you are undeniably beautiful. 

I say this because I feel like young women today aren't told that nearly enough, or they're told this for personal gain of others and that's disgusting. I was once told that I should be reminded I'm beautiful every day, and despite that person saying that just to play with my emotions, I listened to it and I agreed completely. 

There shouldn't be two days that go by without anyone reminding you how beautiful you really are. I feel for those who don't hear it often, those who think they aren't good enough to hear it or unqualified. Those days that I feel lowly and insecure, I lie to you not, I like to Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. Like it may sound corny or cheesy to you, but listen to it on those days that you feel like your vision has gotten blurry towards your reflection in the mirror, really listen to the words, watch the video.

You don't have to be a size 0 to be beautiful, nor do you have to have a body as curvy as Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj. Don't ever let someone convince you that you aren't as gorgeous as you truly are because you don't meet up to their personal standards, standards in which are usually very unrealistic to began with. If the females that are the most beautiful in your eyes, have their own insecurities.

Personally, I'd rather be loved and adored for my mind and personality anyway. Never let anyone change you to fit their small minded idea of beauty either. I've witnessed girls change themselves in every way to get someone to love them, yet failed to realize they didn't love them, they loved who they were pretending to be. Those who don't acknowledge and appreciate your obvious beauty as you are, don't deserve you. At All. It took me a while to realize and accept this truth, but when I did, I didn't feel hurt after rejection of some sort or having to let someone go.

Once a week (at least) you should stand in the mirror, stare at your reflection and list your favorite features aloud to yourself. From physical features to the aspects of your personality and character. After I was able to do this, honestly my self-confidence began to build, among other things I tried to do of course. I actually have a little list of things I went through to try and build my confidence because I lacked it tremendously and if you knew me and compared the me two years ago to the me now you would see a big change even in my demeanor. 

I'm not sure what prompted me to making this post but it was pretty important to me. Hope it helped, and if you have any questions for me ever, feel free to email me or DM me on Instagram.

This isn't goodbye, it's see you later, until next time!    

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