FALL into a Good Book *wink wink*
Tuesday, November 17, 2015I love reading all year round, but I'm definitely more motivated come Fall or Winter. It's so hard for me personally to find a good book that'll keep my interest, so if you're like me and love a good suspense/who done it book for those windy days, then this post is for you! I'll share some of my fave books that I've read in the past.
(how cute is this?! ♥)
I was going to try at list these in a certain order like fave to least fave but I can't so we'll wing it.
The Cellar by Natasha Preston
This book was one that my sister and I read as a beginning to our book club (which never really got established but not the point), and it took me by surprise completely. I mean that in the best way possible. I was expecting to pick this book up, read a few chapters and sit it down somewhere and began using it as a coaster, but I couldn't put it down!
The story is about a man and his four 'flowers' that he keeps in his cellar, and how he tried to add an addition to his collection. Let me just say, this man is crazy. The whole book honestly reminded me of a Lifetime Movie Network movie, like hopefully someone reads this and contacts LMN and Natasha and they make my dream come true by creating a visual.
Don't wanna say too much about it but honestly, get this book if you're in a rut and can't find a good read.
The Program by Suzanne Young
Another book that surprised me! One of the reasons I loved this book is because I so strongly believe something like this is either going on in like an isolated country or it may happen in my country one day, who knows! Point is, I usually hate books that involve any sort of love and romance but when I say The Program made me fall in love with kids, I'm not even joking.
This book is about a sad epidemic among the teens in their area and what the state has come up with as a solution for the problem, but if you ask the main characters, their solution only causes a bigger problem.
You'll get attached to the characters, wish you could help them, feel a loss, hurt when things happen to them, Suzanne Young definitely got me hooked! I urged my friends to read this book immediately, and they loved it just as much.
Forget me by K.A. Harrington
So, when I'm in Barnes & Nobles blindly looking for a book, I look for mysterious or dark cover art and you can see why I would've chosen this lovely mystery right here. It didn't surprise me because I assumed I would just about fall in love with it by the 2nd chapter at least, and I did!
The Third Twin by C.J. Omololu
This book follows 2 identical twins who created an imaginary 3rd twin, however the 3rd twin doesn't seem so imaginary when mysterious things began to happen, that neither girl could recall happening. If you want a suspense book that will have you trying to figure everything out,yet you end up totally wrong, here's your book!
Books I failed to mention:
Six Months Later by Natalie D. Richards - Definitely a good book, took me about 2 chapters to actually get into, but such a good book to cuddle up with! I didn't regret it at all.
Stolen by Lucy Christopher - Wasn't a book I normally would've went after, but honestly enjoyed it! Wished it was longer, the ending had me in honest tears and I usually don't do that over books. Great book to pull at the heart!
TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY by Jay Asher - Now, I never got to finish this book sadly, but I was about the 5th or 6th chapter and was hooked on every word. Strongly suggest everyone pick this up as soon as possible!
Well, theres' my list! Hope everyone liked it, I know how it is to look for a good book yet come up with nothing so I tried to help out. Let me know what you thought or if you reccommend any to me!
This isn't goodbye, it's see you later, until next time!