Tuesday, November 24, 2015Living and Letting Go

I had to learn this with a few people, one of those people being my first love, holding on to some people can be quite poisonous for your own growth mentally, emotionally and spiritually. While some people may come into your life and make you the happiest you've ever been, there are also people you will come across that will be sort of your guilty pleasure, meaning you know they're bad but you can't resist them, and those are the ones you need to pick out of your life as soon as possible.
We meet new people very frequently. No one we meet is ever a mistake.
Some of those people were meant to come and stay. Some of those people were meant to come and leave. Some people we meet are meant to teach us a lesson, be it that we need to watch who we trust and let in our lives or, they were given to us to show us something, maybe how to love ourselves, maybe how to be happy. Every individual is a lesson.
That may be hard to remember when we've been hurt, but trust me your biggest heartbreak was meant to happen. You were supposed to stay up all night and cry so that you can realize how strong you are and learn how to bounce back sort of speak.
That person that made you insanely happy was suppose to leave you with no explanation, so that you can realize that you need to appreciate what you have before it slips through your fingers and is gone forever.
There are always some people that we meet, simply so that we realize we aren't ready for certain things. Aren't ready for certain journeys that person may have been ready to take us on. That we are not actually prepared for everything that comes our way but that it's okay cause one day we will be.
Moral of the story is:
Everything that happens to us, happens for a reason. It's up to you to chose how you'll deal with and handle it. Sometimes you have to figure out how to hold on, sometimes you have to Live and Let go.
Short post I'm sorry, but that was my thought today.
This isn't goodbye, it's see you later, until next time!