Closing Philadelphia Schools 2016
Friday, January 01, 2016LETS GET SERIOUS.
I found out that the state has threatened (yes, this is a threat), to close all Philadelphia Schools in 2016. It genuinely made me sick, they believe that this is suppose to help what? Who is this going to benefit?
I'll tell you what they're thinking and doing. They're taking all of money, OUR MONEY, all of our tax dollars and whatever else they've robbed us of, for building jails and recreational uses. Do we really need a Dilworth Park? Do we need new high end stores in our gallery on 8th and Market? Sure, our city and our stores may need a little shaping up, but is it necessary to renovate every little thing and place? The answer is No.
When I was in high school, we had a visit from a group of goodhearted folks, who stand up for the rights of school kids, who actually stand up to the School District of Philadelphia. Which is what we need.
They opened my eyes to something, the state, the MAYOR, is taking our money and contributing to jails, why? Because they expect you all to end up there. They don't expect you to attended school everyday, they expect, want, you to be on the street, want you to get in a load of trouble and land yourself in jail. These people do not genuinely care for your well-being, no, they care for their own, and only their own. We aren't important to them.
This is all the more reason why we, as youth (this applies to those in their early 20s as well), must pull together and build each other before we tear each other down. We're all we have and all we'll ever have.
This is a super short post, I know, but I wanted to touch on this. Feel free to give me your opinions as well.
This isn't goodbye, it's see you later. Until next time.