Youth That Inspires: Destiny Thomas

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Meet Destiny 

I met this doll, once again through Instagram (gettin' a little creepy, isn't it?) I had the opportunity to be featured on her blog a little while back and now I've been honored to return the favor! This beautiful soul stands for all that is woman and all that is melanin. She even has a section dedicated to it on her website! We'll get into that later, check out our conversation below

What prompted you or gave you the idea to come up with your website

 ' herbeautyspeaks ' started as a name on Twitter. As I started to
discover who I was and what it was that i was meant to do; the name
herbeautyspeaks just felt right to own up to and keep. Plus, I feel as
though it describes me perfectly, not only speaking of the beauty that
I myself portray outwardly but more so pertaining to the beauty
inwardly that shines through. As for the same that I aim to help
others see in themselves.

Some features of your site that really caught my eye were the In
Her/His Skin Project & The Melanin series, what gave you the push to
begin those?

 Thanks so much! & Both series, were created out of respect and love
for the black culture. Neither were planned but I felt compelled to
create a project of my own to give back to the community. The voice of
God inspired me to push through with creating both series at different
times of the year. I wanted to celebrate who we are as a people as
well as bring awareness to the world that we all aren't the same as
one may think. We all have different gifts, personalities, looks, and
ways of doing things. Diversity is beautiful and I wanted to make sure
that I focused on it throughout each project.

Are there any women or men of color that you looked up to as a youth
that may have motivated you as well?

Growing up, I loved the works of Langston Hughes, and Martin Luther
King Jr. Now, that I am older I still find their works to be extremely
influential and very amazing. As of now, where as inspiration from
women of color is concerned I must say that I have a few. First, I
must say that my mother and women of the family (both sides) inspire
me the most. They help me stay grounded and focused on what is
important. Maya Angelou, has to be the second woman of influence to
me. Her class, strength, beauty, and brilliant way of expression helps
me to remain true to who I am. A friend, once said that my work
reflects Angelou's spirit and way of storytelling. That was one of the
best things that I have ever heard. Maya, had the awesome gift of
making people think and feel. She didn't care about the likes of
others. She was one who wrote whatever her heart and soul felt. I
truly admire her for that. I believe that her words will forever live
on and be apart of who I am as a black woman, and overall artist.

By the way, I love your poetry! Didn't want to forget to mention that.
What motivates your writings?

Thank you, do know, that your words are sincerely appreciated! It
is crazy to think that I didn't consider myself a poet back then. I
didn't think I was good at writing poems. But, my aunt saw something
different. Everything, motivates me to write: God, My family, Life,
Love, The Past, The Present, The future, and the world. When I first
started writing poetry, it was at a scary time in my life. I was very
depressed and unhappy. Writing poetry, helped calm my mind. In each
poem, there were lines that spoke of sadness. In the midst of it all,
something powerful began to blossom inside of me. As the years, went
on. . I began to grow in a better light. . .  in that moment was when
everything changed for me. The stories that I wrote weren't full of
chaos anymore. A sense of peace was having it's place to develop
within my soul.

What is your vision or goal for your poetry or your website? Was it
more of an impulsive idea, or do you have a plan for it all?

 With my words, my only hope is to leave others inspired, inspired
to love and recognize the beauty of this world and others that
surround them. I write for women and men like myself who know what it
is like to struggle; the struggle of being able to accept one’s self.
I photograph and blog to uplift other souls and bring forth truths
that aren't always mentioned as apart of society. No matter the medium
that is what I hope and pray to do.

In regards, of creating my website(s), it was something that I always
wanted to do. I didn't have the confidence to do so back then. But, it
wasn't until about a year ago that I felt the tug of God pull me to
create and start with what I had despite my fears. I don't really want
to say that it was out of impulsive but more so related to the proper
timing. The journey of creating platforms that have helped inspire and
strengthen other souls has been a beautiful one. It has been full of
many sleepless nights, vulnerable times, and growing experiences.
Nonetheless, I hope to encourage anyone to go forth and do whatever it
is that you have been wanting to do for a while. Your story needs to
be heard and inspiration needs to be shared.

As a writer, do you have any long term goals? Maybe get published,
become a big name?

 I am not too fond of becoming a 'big name' , so to speak. The idea
of being famous isn't something that I hope to become. Being as
though, one can become famous for many reasons whether good or bad.
But, the purpose is to continue to impact many souls as possible in a
positive way. I always say to myself that if I inspire at least one
person, I'll be happy. That is my only hope.

Currently, I am in the process of writing my first book titled
'inmyskin'. A collection of poems, quotes, and visuals that will help
women on their journey of self-discovery. Something, like a memoir of
pieces that I have written over the course of a year or so. Hence, why
almost everything that I am doing now is centered around the
importance of self-love. I am mentally preparing myself to create two
other books that will be apart of a trilogy series. One for women, the
second one for men, and the last dedicated to those of melanin skin.

How would a young WOC, or MOC go about getting featured on your site,
if interested?

 I am constantly looking for other artists to feature, and connect
with. It doesn't take much to be featured, one just has to be prepared
to share their story honestly and without apology, in hopes to inspire
someone else. So, if anyone is interested in being featured on any
project that I have been led to create, please feel free to contact me
via social media and/or email: ..

Is there a piece of advice that you would give to a young woman or man
growing up trying to embrace themselves in a way, as people of color?

 There is nothing wrong with being who you are. The right people
will gravitate towards you. Don't be ashamed of being different, for
being different is a beautiful thing. This life isn't an easy one but
carry on anyway. There will be times where people will try to change
who you are, never change who you are for anyone. There will be times,
where you will want to quit, don't. There is beauty in the depths of
your pain. In those moments, recognize your strength and know that
everything is working together perfectly for you. Despite how you may
feel, know that for yourself. Listen, to the spirit that is within
you. for your spirit will NEVER lead you astray. Take time out to love
who you are from the inside, out. Know that, the journey will not be a
walk in the park but that is okay. For growth, takes time and
patience. Please, be sure to surround yourself with people who
genuinely care for you, and all that you are growing to be. Never
settle for less, whether that be in relationships: with a significant
other, family, and/or friends. Do things when your're ready, never
rush to do anything. Always, remember that you're a divine being who
holds an infinite amount of power, and strength. Be sure, to protect
your peace of mind. and walk in love regardless.


Talking to Destiny was so uplifting, definitely encouraged me to find an inspiration, something to motivate me and make sure I stick to it. No doubt this little butterfly will definitely move mountains very soon! 

This isn't goodbye loves, it's see you later, until next time!

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