Dear Diary: My favorite time of the year!

Friday, December 04, 2015

Love bugs, it's December

You know what that means? It means winter, snow, blizzards, annnddd MY BIRTHDAY!

Winter is my favorite time of the year, it brings me such joy and makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. It's been refereed to as 'cuffing season' lately, I personally will be spending my winter in my room, with pepper, some hot chocolate, my favorite blanket, and Netflix. Because that's what cool people do.

Speaking of December, not sure if you all have noticed my quite frequent countdown buuttt my birthday is December 11th (woot woot for Sagittarius!), so I guess you could say that's another reason for December being my favorite month ever in the history of months.

Let's talk about some goals for this month:

Not gaining 50 pounds:

I say this because winter is the season to stock up on all your favorite goodies (really bad junk food that you shouldn't be having at all) and watch movies all day. With that being the case, you're barely moving around to work off all the calories you're probably stacking up.

My suggestion?

Eating your goodies in moderation, meaning don't stuff it all down your throat in one sitting. Sit all things across the room, such as remotes, cell phones and things like that. That way you're actually working out your thighs without knowing, sort of doing squats without the scary trainer in the gym yelling at you to do 10 more.

Thinking about the New Year:

This is the time to figure out how you're going to start off the new year.
I personally am going to try to make it a my 1st goal of the year to have a drama-free January and leaving all the toxic people and issues behind.

Start planning your New Year's resolutions now. Even if it's something like focusing on yourself, losing weight, taking care of your hair, no matter what, start your new year with goals.

Be adventurous!

2016 should be all about goals and new adventures. Step out of all of your comfort zones, pet a snake, go hiking, go on a road trip without using your cell phones, camp out. Do something fun! And afterwards, share with me the new experiences you've had!

Quite a short post I know, but hey whatever. Tell me what your aspirations, goals and plans are for the New Year. ♥

This isn't goodbye, it's see you later, until next time!

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