It's the BIG day!
Friday, December 11, 2015
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Shall we take a quick trip down memory lane?
Good gracious! Now, I won't dig into myspace and old facebook pictures because you all may view me a tad differently and I'm alright with you all not knowing how I looked before this small glow up of mine.
However, today I am 19 years old. This is quite bittersweet for me because growing up was never part of my plan, however I'm so proud of the person I am becoming.
I've learned so much, made so many mistakes, met so many new people, lost so many who were near and dear to me, made new friends and have had such amazing experiences,
1. Something I learned, very recently, was to love and accept things about myself. From physical things to emotional and mental, to disabilities that I suffer with. All these things, though annoying and stressful at times make me - me. And I personally enjoy who I am as an individual thus far.
2. I've learned Opposites attract and are probably better for you. Associating with people different than you allow you to grow and expand an individual.
3. I love that I am a genuine, caring person.
4. I've become more honest this year.
5. Something that changed my life: Love.
6. I've learned, You can't make people love, want or accept you. They either do or do not.
7. I love my best friend.
8. I've realized that family isn't always related to you.
9. No pain lasts forever.
10. Making others happy, makes me more happy than I've ever been in my life.
11. I still love monkeys and apes with all my heart.
12. I love that I have a vivid imagination.
13. Eating better actually makes you feel better.
14. It's okay to not want to smile some days.
15. You don't always have to please everyone else.
16. I have the best followers in the world.
17. I will make a difference in others lives.
18. You are your greatest support system.
19. Taking risks is the best thing you could ever do.
Was this super boring? Sorry, lol. At the end of the day, 2015 has been such a super year. I've learned to stand on my own despite who may oppose me. I've learned that it's okay to make little mistakes, or huge ones, as long as you don't let them control you. I've found my actual passion, and my purpose in this world and it's all through my voice (well, technically my pen or keyboard cause you know... whatever).
I'm so thankful for all of those who decided to support me through this journey of mine, despite which journey it may be, rather you stayed or left, supported or objected, rather you're a stranger or a family member, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's because of all of you combined, strangers to Instagram followers I regularly talk to, to ex boyfriends and friends, my best friend to my wort enemy, I love all of you and appreciate your cute little hearts and faces.
Thank you for all the lovely cake day wishes.
This isn't goodbye, this is just the beginning, until next time!