Bad Girls Club: Back For More

Friday, September 11, 2015

I know what you're thinking, "Ella, you watch trashy reality TV?!" Yes, yes I do and I'm sadly addicted to this show. It's my dirty little secret, if you will. Don't act like you don't enjoy fake reality TV and fake drama, we all do. Now, since that cats out the bag, let's talk about this seasons cast.
I'm going to go with least fave to top fave:

Jasmine "Jass" Carter aka The South-side Slugger:

Yeah, so no. It was such a struggle between her and Lauren for this spot on the list but I had to go with her. Reason being, she seems so two faced to me. Now, I don't know, it could be that she's really trying to find her place and isn't sure, however that's not what it looks like to me. She seems as though she could've been likable to me but I can't tolerate a 'squad hopper' so she's first in the bucket. Sorry slugger.

Lauren Lewis aka The Red Hot Redneck:

This one right here? Also a no-go for me. I don't see her as 'fake', she definitely has stood the same position she's been in since the first episode and for that she gets a hand clap. Don't get me wrong, I honestly feel for her, with her drinking problem and the story of her deceased brother, I too lost a sibling so I can understand the pain to a degree. However, I don't like a troublemaker, granted it's the troublemakers that keep the show rolling, she's just one that makes my skin itch a tad bit too much, and for that she's next in the bucket. Sorry Lucifer Lauren!

 Christina "Tina" Aviles aka The Sultry Showstopper:

Sorry, but I don't see what's so sultry about this one. I knew she wouldn't be in my top picks from the first episode, literally. Then again, you never know, camera's make you act differently than you naturally do so who knows. HOWEVER, being as though I'm judging from what I've been shown, she's not my favorite. She doesn't seem to keep herself in trouble, so that's always commendable, yet there's still something about her that doesn't make me the happiest camper on the camp site. Though, she's not horrible, there still may be hope for her on my like-list. We'll see.

Kathryn "Kat" Florek aka The Lusty Loudmouth:

Kat, Kat, Kat. First off, she looks gorgeous in this picture (as all of the ladies do, don't get me wrong this season is beautiful). I was actually excited when she made her first appearance this season, just from looking at her, you'd assume her nickname suits her well. Though, thus far, we've heard nothing but whispers from this 'loudmouth', it's still early though so we'll wait. I respect the fact that like Tina, she too keeps herself out of trouble. Not yet have you seen anyone plotting to kick her out as far as Jela and the Twins. If I had a fave top 4, she'd definitely would make number 4. Can't wait to see how long this loudmouth can keep her inside voice going.

Here goes my big 3!

Jelaminah "Jela" Lanier aka The Houston Hustler:

I'll be honest, I wasn't sure about this girl. Sometimes I'm still a little unsure, but for the most part, she definitely has a place in my top 3. Beside her demanding personality, she seems like a 'Mama bear' sometimes. For instance, she was the first to tend to Lauren on the first night when she was drunk, she was the one to encourage Jass to love her own skin the night Jass broke down in tears, and was the more than open to apologize for her wrongs when the life coach came. Sometimes she may go about things the wrong way, but don't we all? Love Jela, hope she lasts through this whole roller-coaster, she seems to be strong enough.

Shannon & Shannade Clermont aka The Power Princess and The Uptown Princess:

I n  l o v e  w i t h  t h e m. I don't even know where my love for them stems but trust me its there. I love their bond, I love their faces, I love them period if I didn't mention that. True, sometimes they do a little too much for me as far as their attitudes but I don't care enough to not love them. They get spots one and two on my last (1. Shannon, 2. Shannade).

So, there's my take of the original cast. I may or may not speak on replacements, tell me if I should. Also, Tell me YOUR favorites and Why! I love talking about this show. So, tweet me, DM me on Instagram, Email me, anything!

This isn't goodbye, this is see you later. Until next time!

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